Saturday, 2 February 2008

Here I go again

So so so... on Friday (2.02.08) mornig @ 5am my alarmclock went on... Put my last things 2gether, drank cup of coffe and Gertu dropped me offto the airport!!! Tallinn Vienna Skopje. In Skopje airport the borderguard didn't want to let me throhg... I dunno what was wrong... standed there like stupid... but finally... I was in Macedonia... Outside I was looking the sign Tiina and I found that. Nice blonde gyu was waiting 4 me with a YELLOW taxy.... like a prince from my imagination with yellow tractor:P So he took me to the busstation helped me to arrange my jourmey 2 Ohrid... Nice... Quite oldschool bus was driving 4 hours (175km) huuh... I can still feel this busseat on my bum:P But the views were great... Mountains I just love them. Arrived 2 Ohrid around 6pm, taxi took me to this wonderful Hotel a bit outsidae of the town. Met other Estonians ans Serbians... had a early night... a bitrakija and good night....
2day we had time to visit city cos Dutch and Bosnian people hadn't arrived yet... so spent our morning in town... did some Shopping with Regina and a bit sightseeing... I'm just really impressed... what a contrast U can find...
So just finished THE games 2 get 2 know each other... it was a bit too long but what a hell @ least I know most of their names and lives:P
Going 2 sleep to rise and shine 2morrow morning

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