Wednesday, 28 May 2008


Täna läks Piiix kohe pärs katki....

Friday, 23 May 2008

Eile polnud elektrit

Long time no see... seekord nostalgia mõttes võiks ikka eesti keeles kirjutada:D

Nii 1,5 h tagasi kadus korterist elektrer. Alguses mõneks sekundiks ja nii 10 mintsa pärast jäädavalt. Peast käisid läbi mõtted pommist või millestki selisest. Kõrval korterist kostus kõva mydinat. Ju nad hakkasid siis kyynlaid otsima... Mul kiskus kah spuukiks ära ja läksin yksi vanni romantikat tegema. Nyid olen vähemalt megapuhas. Vannis olles oli kuulda vaid tuule puhumist torudes või kus iganes ta puhus. Nyid on mu spuukidus yle läinud. Avastasin, et meil on ju tehnikaajastus ja mul on läppar, kus on palju head mussi. Akut on jäänud veel 2h...siis pean magama ära minema...

Viimaselajal juhtub ikka imelikke asju ja mina näen imelikke unenägusid, mis muutsid selle elektrita oleku veel syrrimaks.

J. mõni aeg tagasi ytes, et tänapäeva inimesed ei mõtle enam oma peaga... mõtted oleme yhiskonna survest ja meediast tulenevalt kujundanud ja omandanud... samuti, et koguaeg peab olema tegevust v meelelahutust. Tuleb tõdeda, et ega ei olnud meeldiv sygavas vaikuses oma mõtetega yksi olla. Umbes aastat 5-8 tagasi ikka istusin Märjamaal, põletasin kyynlaid ja pabeiääri, et mõni kiri kribada (KÄSITSI), et siis see tigupostiga teele lähetada:D

Paar päeva tagasi kraapisin Märjamaal välja oma vanad kastid, kust leidus igasuguseid põnevaid asju, kirjutisi ja mõtteid. Mida puberteeti:P

Alati oli aega kõigeks... eriti lollusteks. Näiteks Chupaga käisime me iga jumalama reede kinos yheksasel seansil. Vahet polnud, mis sealt siis tuli...enne aga oli vaja kokku saada, et taksofonist tuttavatele helistada (Isa oli mul politseimees Chicagos laulu sõnad said vähemalt selgeks). Või siis 20kraadises kylmas äsjavalminud singi-juustupirukatega Kuska sauna jalutada. Või siis Gertu juures istuda ja telefoniraamat läbi helistada ning riietega vannis istuda. Või siis bussiga 4h Võrru Termika (ära jäänud) kontsertile sõita ja siis tunni pärast uuesti bussile istuda ja 4 h tagasi tiksuda ning istekoha numbreid ära kangutades. Või MG poiste esimese korruse vetsus fotoseansse teha. Või siis MG pooleliolevas juurdeehituses veini juua ja tähti vaadata. NO EI OLE LIHTSALT VÕIMALIK. Ja no inimest ei saanudki siis kätte, kui ta kodus polnud... pragu on mul mobla aku tyhjaks saamas ja tekitab kergelt paanika, sest pole yhtegi märki, et elekter tagasi tuleks... ylivahva

Nyid kõik töötavad, õpivad ja rabelevad end pooleks (sh mina), aga yks on jäänud... sõprade jaoks leiab alati hetke...just nendesamade, kellega kunagi sai kõiki neid kahtlasi asju korda saata:D ja otseloomulikult nende, kellega need meeletused veel ees seisavad...

Juba teist kolmapäeva olen käinud KUMUS maailmamuutjate filmifestivalil näidatavaid filme vaatamas. Vat see on olnud elamus! Lihtsalt istudki ja unustad suu lahti, avastad selle alles siis, kui kurbusest neelatada tuleb või naerma pahvatad. Ja eile (21.mai) algas Portugali Filmiköök Kinomajas... Käisime õe Norrisega kah maitset suhu saamas. See oli nii kummaline suutäis, et isegi mina ei suutnud seda ära seedida. Ning mõistsin, miks David eelistas Walesi ylikooli Cuimbre omale.

Veel juhtus täna nii, et kõige raskem osa mu teisest kursusest sai läbi... vene keele eksam... ma olin käinud 20st korrast kohal max 7, polnud vastanud klassivälit lugemist ja õpetaja ytles mulle sellepeale... teie grupis on kaht tyypi inimesi: neid, keda saab õpetada ning neid, keda võid õpetada, aga kylge neile jääb vähena. Sina kuulud nende esimeste hulka... aga ise peaks ka vaeva nägema! Ja kirjutas mulle matriklisse C. Hämming!!! Kooliga on yltse sel aastal naljakad lood... tihtipeale ei jõudnud sinna...aga nyid vaid inglise keele eksam ja suvesse minek:D

Mu nostalgia minutid (peaagu tund) hakkab lõpusirgele jõudma ja kõik tundub paremini kui 3h tagasi... aga homme hakkab jälle maraton pihta... päeval vaja fotojahi asjad yles korjata, õhtul Lauluväljakul yritus, laupäeva hommikul fotojaht Tlnas, kella yhest Raudsillal, tagasi Tlna, Kätlinile varustus anda, Keilast Karmo peale ja Tooriku (Läänemaa) poole ajama (tudengi kevadpäevade afterparty). Pyhapäeva keskpäevaks Nõmme seiklusparki ning pärast Vääna-Jõesuusse grillima ning sealt vastu esmaspäevasele eksamile... eks seepärast ongi spuuki, kui elekter õhtul ära läheb...pole ei telekat...ega netti (kui elektriga naabri wiffit just ei laena). Suht vähe segavaid faktoreid, vähemalt korteris... (nooh alati on võimalus buppi minna v siis elektriga sõbrale)... aga ma arvan, et hoopis lahedam oleks, kui elektriga sõber tuleks hoopis elektrita Sulle kylla... vaadake, kas osakate miskit peale hakata hämaruses v siis kyynlavalges...kui oskate, siis ei ole kõik veel kadunud...

Thursday, 3 April 2008


That day is arrived - 5h left and we'll be on our way to Berlin and few days later 2 Lisbon. Ouuu Yeah!!!
I think I can't travel anymore cos every time I'm packing my stuff it seems I need anything... so I'm taking things incase:P
Bretty soon u can read the next story about Ulvi & Endel Kännuämblik - exploring weird hiddend places in World...


Here we goooo...

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

My 21st

there is several days left & I'll be 22... youpiii as Yann would say:P
I started my 21st in coolers...dancing in cages with Beaver Crew... when I just had enough drinks and asked Maarja to trag me home... David took us taxy & the next moment I was lying on my... feeling not so alive... taht day repeated itself several days durin that year:P

so what has happend lately U may ask???
I have to say that last month has been grazy for me... not many nights @ home... some romance and stuff.... U can just use your imagination... so... yeah... good things still happen:P

doing my work placement in Kose youth club and bretty enjoying that... lot's of fun... and 2 weeks time I'll be in Berlin and few days later in Lissabon... Next new will come from there:P

BTW... its 18th March and it's snowing outside... flipping heck

Friday, 22 February 2008

Thursday night!!!

Everything was just cool... Things just happened on the right time:D Went out with Evelin. Wanted 2 see some cracking movie but there was absolutely nothing inetresting on in cinema... so went to Moskva and had great hot choclate and cacke:D

I was haaving just so relaxing sleep whem my flatmate arrived with another half of a flatmate... Ofcorse there was need to wake me up and laugh on coridore floor as crazy:P Otherwise they are okei... so much for mu colourful dreams....

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Party of a year

yesterday I had a bit weird invitation... to take part of silence disco...
Yah Silence Disco... I went... The thing was, everybody got ther own headphones which had 2 channals where dj-s played different kind of music. U turned them on and just danced... amazing...
It was cracking 2 take your headphones off and hear everyboy singing and watching them jumping around like hell of a party it was...
had just fab time.:D

Thanks my lovely friend 4 taking me there!!!

just so true

There's a time and place for everything
For everyone
We can push with all our might
But nothing's gonna come
Oh no, nothing's gonna change
and if I asked you not to try
Oh, could you let it be?
You can change your friends
Your place in life
You can change your mind
We can change the things we say
And do it anytime
Oh no, but I think you'll find
That when you look inside your heart
I'll be there

by Van Halen

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Here I go again

So so so... on Friday (2.02.08) mornig @ 5am my alarmclock went on... Put my last things 2gether, drank cup of coffe and Gertu dropped me offto the airport!!! Tallinn Vienna Skopje. In Skopje airport the borderguard didn't want to let me throhg... I dunno what was wrong... standed there like stupid... but finally... I was in Macedonia... Outside I was looking the sign Tiina and I found that. Nice blonde gyu was waiting 4 me with a YELLOW taxy.... like a prince from my imagination with yellow tractor:P So he took me to the busstation helped me to arrange my jourmey 2 Ohrid... Nice... Quite oldschool bus was driving 4 hours (175km) huuh... I can still feel this busseat on my bum:P But the views were great... Mountains I just love them. Arrived 2 Ohrid around 6pm, taxi took me to this wonderful Hotel a bit outsidae of the town. Met other Estonians ans Serbians... had a early night... a bitrakija and good night....
2day we had time to visit city cos Dutch and Bosnian people hadn't arrived yet... so spent our morning in town... did some Shopping with Regina and a bit sightseeing... I'm just really impressed... what a contrast U can find...
So just finished THE games 2 get 2 know each other... it was a bit too long but what a hell @ least I know most of their names and lives:P
Going 2 sleep to rise and shine 2morrow morning

Monday, 14 January 2008

Latest News....

So so so....
some time ago (one Friday) after 200 km and speeding I found myself in Tartu!!! I just wanted to have some luch:P It was bloody freezing outside (around -17)... anyway I didn't have plan to stay but I did. Just visited old friend of mine who had an exam in the morning and celebrated it with a a party... This day was weird... and it ended weird as well... We ended up in emergency point cos she hurted her ankle. First of all... The ambulance didn't come out... I assume if they dicide to come out I have to be basicly dead... so took a taxi. On the entrance there was some guy in the wheelchair shouting... I jumped down on the second floor balcony and I broke only one leg... Such a shame ... on my way to toilet somebody gave me a tablet and said it takes the pain off with 15 min. yeaahh sure... Flushed away!!! Suddenly guy ran in, arm was bleeding... some minutes later his friends turned out and started to drink teqila... Nice or whaaa????
I stayed there whole wkend... and had my battaries loaded...

Wekend just gone we went out with Maarja and her cousin... wanted to check out recently opened club in Tallinn... Marat!!! First of all it was depressingly windy and we had to wait outside to get in... I have to addmit we were lucky to get in finally... so then... U had to take a queue nr... like in bank U know!!! Funny... they let U buy a ticket... of course the system went a bit grazy...
anyway we got in... music was great (at least most of it) like Beavers kinda music:P place was ok too... small... all kind of people... we were some of the youngest ones I think... what was the best... they asked documents on the door... but not from me:P muahhahaaa and I just had an information from Maarja that they cheated us... bought 3 cosmopolitans... but 2 components were missing... grrrr... but otherwise it was fun. most of all I liked really high bright green toilet doors... made a move around 3am... Burgerstop...mmmm...Maarja and Helen changed their boots on the way...
Everybody were happy...
Right now I just dunno what to do... last free week from school... and then back in business... no work to do as well... so just right time to write my blog....